Treatment for Piriformis Syndrome

Treatment and Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome

The piriformis is a muscle deep in the buttock that helps to externally rotate your hip. The piriformis can become tight for many reasons. Excessive sitting, trauma or repetitive movements like running can cause the piriformis to tighten.

Typical symptoms include a dull ache in the buttocks, with referral to the outer thigh.

The sciatic nerve passes underneath or sometimes through the piriformis. When the piriformis is tight, it can cause lower back pain or even sciatic nerve pain.

The QL (Quadratus Lumborum) can also become involved in piriformis syndrome leading to SI joint dysfunction. The piriformis can be a major cause of SI joint syndrome if it is tight.

The piriformis can often be compensating for weak hip internal rotators. The following exercise may be helpful in treating piriformis syndrome as it focuses on strengthening the hip internal rotators.

Try the following exercises to help with Piriformis Syndrome:

  1. Banded hip internal rotation: 3 sets of 10
  2. Tactical Frog: hold bottom position for 3 seconds, 20 times
  3. Hip internal rotations: 15 times each leg, drive knee into floor

Physiotherapy can help with piriformis syndrome. A physiotherapist will examine your hip range of motion, gait, posture and muscle function. This will determine the right course of treatment and exercise prescription. At Kinetic Edge we offer a wide range of treatments that can help with Piriformis syndrome. Dry needling can be beneficial for a tight piriformis, as well as chiropractic adjustments if SI joint syndrome is also an issue. Our team of registered massage therapists can help release muscle tension associated with piriformis syndrome. 

Call our clinic for an assessment at 613-680-7966

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About KineticEdge

Kinetic Edge prides itself in delivering high quality, evidence based care with experienced therapists. Owned and operated on Carling Avenue for over 8 years many of our therapists have over 15 years of clinical experience. We are a multi-disciplinary clinic offering registered massage therapy, physiotherapy and chiropractic in private treatment rooms. Treatment techniques includes Shockwave Therapy, Dry Needling, Rolf Method of Structural Integration, Thai Massage, ART and Functional Range Conditioning and Flexion/Distraction decompression therapy.